Безкоштовна лінія для питань щодо грантових конкурсів 0 800 50 77 45

Contact phone number: +38 044 201 01 60

Hotline for grants competition questions - 0 800 50 77 45, from Mon until Fri from 10.00 AM until 6.00 PM.

Email: office@ednannia.ua

Office Address: 17, Esplanadna Str., Kyiv (Palats Sportu Metro Station) in All-Ukrainian Youth Center.

For sending postal correspondence to ISAR Ednannia please order courier delivery from Nova Poshta and name them our EDRPOU (National State Registry of Ukrainian Enterprises and Organizations) 21676150 and contact person Lebedieva Diana +38 098 065 70 50 and address 17, Esplanadna Str., 2nd floor. Please note that documents should only be sent to the organization (ISAR Ednannia) using the EDRPOU code, not to a private individual.

How to find us:

Follow the signs on the map. The entrance is located to the right of the Gulliver Shopping Center parking lot. You need to pass the turnstile and inform them that you are going to the ISAR Ednannia’s office. Then go straight. Near the end of the courtyard, turn right. You will see the sign for the All-Ukrainian Youth Center. Enter through the door near the sign. The ISAR Ednannia office is located on the 2nd floor.

YAk proyty do Vseukrainskoho molodizhnoho tsentru 768x432

Video instruction on how to find us: