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Ukraine at the Turning Point of Epochs: Oksana Zabuzhko’s Speech at the Strategic Discussion on Ukraine – Scandinavia: Bound Through Thirteen Centuries

A strategic discussion on Ukraine – Scandinavia: Bound Through Thirteen Centuries and a presentation of the Norwegian-Swedish Askold and Dir Fund, administered by ISAR Ednannia and funded by Norway and Sweden, recently took place. During the event,…

Experience of Implementing the UPSHIFT in Ukraine

We are excited to share our experience of implementing the UPSHIFT youth program in six regions of Ukraine. Throughout 2023 – 2024, in cooperation with UNICEF and six implementation partners, we conducted 18 waves of UPSHIFT, engaging 846 young Ukrainians who reached over…

Video recording of the panel discussion Looking to the Future: Scandinavian-Ukrainian Partnership held during the strategic discussion Bound Through Thirteen Centuries

Historical ties between Ukraine and Scandinavian countries date back to the early Middle Ages, as evidenced by dynastic marriages and military cooperation. Scandinavian countries are among the most active supporters of Ukraine, which is confirmed by the high level of…

Empowering Youth, Transforming Communities: The Youth Potential Development in Western Ukraine Program

The Youth Potential Development in Western Ukraine Program, implemented by ISAR Ednannia in partnership with UNICEF and supported by the Governments of Japan and the Kingdom of Norway, as well as the Government of Germany through the KfW Development Bank, has completed its…

Priorities of Civil Society for 2025 According to the CSO Meter 2024 Report: Opportunities, Challenges, and Development Paths

Simplifying the registration of CSOs through the Diia portal, improving access to public procurement and banking services, and enhancing the transparency and efficiency of public consultations, are among the key priorities for the sustainable development of civil society in…

"This Is an Investment in the Future" – How Supporting CSOs Transforms Frontline Communities – An Interview with the Project Manager

The Support for CSOs in Frontline Areas Project has been a crucial step in strengthening civil society and supporting people living in the most challenging war conditions. Its impact is impressive: 139 organizations received grants, over 90,000 people received direct support,…

ISAR Ednannia Takes Part in the Development of the Council of Europe Recommendations on the Legal Status of Non-Governmental Organizations in Europe

On behalf of Ukraine, ISAR Ednannia participates in developing the Council of Europe's recommendations on the legal status of non-governmental organizations in Europe. Natalie Klymova, the Deputy Executive Director of ISAR Ednannia, along with Oksana Pavlyuk, a representative…

How to Support Veterans Through Stereotype-Free Communication − Brochure by Vesta Fund with the ISAR Ednannia Support

Returning from war is a challenging stage that requires time and support. It is essential to respect the personal space of veterans. The Vesta Fund, with the ISAR Ednannia support, has created a simple and practical brochure designed to help avoid inappropriate questions about…