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Main Projects

Main Projects

Norwegian-Swedish Askold and Dir Fund Supports Ukrainian CSOs for Sustainable Recovery and Democratic Reforms

The Norwegian-Swedish Askold and Dir Fund, operating under the Strong Civil Society of Ukraine a Driver Towards Reforms and Democracy Project, implemented by ISAR Ednannia and funded by Norway and Sweden. Askold and Dir Fund represents a strategic investment by our…

ISAR Ednannia is launching a three-year initiative, Unity for Community Project (EU Unity4Community), with the support of the European Union

ISAR Ednannia is launching a three-year initiative, Unity for Community Project (EU Unity4Community), with the support of the European Union, our strategic partner. Despite the challenges of war and global uncertainty, Ukrainian civil society continues to evolve, inspire…

EU Emergency Support to Civil Society Project

Since 2019, ISAR Ednannia has been a strategic partner of the European Union. In 2021 Ednannia implemented the project EU4Civil Society Sustainability in Ukraine, within the European Union program Strategic Partnerships for Capacity Development of Civil Society…

Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity

The purpose of a new Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity is to improve the operating environment for civil society and strengthen the institutional capacities of civil society organizations (CSOs) to advance the self-reliance of the civic sector in Ukraine. The…

School for Community Foundations Program

School for Community Foundations Program is a program implemented by the ISAR Ednannia with the financial support of Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (USA). The goal of the program is to support the development of community foundations in Ukraine in order to increase their role…