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ІСАР Єднання є інформаційним партнером проекту “Black Sea NGO Forum: Building CSO Capacity for Regional Cooperation within the Black Sea Region”. У рамках цього партнерства пропонуємо можливість взяти участь у міжнародній навчальній програмі для лідерів ОГС “Лідерство і організаційна стійкість у часи невизначеності”. Докладну інформацію про умови участі, будь ласка, читайте англійською мовою нижче. 

Пропонуємо також відвідати сайт Black Sea NGO Forum, щоб ознайомитися з відкритими конкурсами для організацій громадянського суспільства, спрямованими на подолання викликів, пов'язаних із пандемією COVID-19.


The Program is organized in the context of the project “Black Sea NGO Forum: Building CSO Capacity for Regional Cooperation within the Black Sea Region”, implemented by the Romanian NGDO Platform – FOND, with the financial support of the European Union and the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation (BST), a project of the German Marshall Fund. 

The Program targets 15 CSO leaders (top and middle management) who are concerned with the disruptions in their organizations and sectors caused by the pandemic and continuous changes of the civic space, are dedicated to their work and committed to contributing to the further development of their own organization and to its engagement in the regional cooperation processes part of the Black Sea NGO Forum. Young leaders are encouraged to apply. 

The Leadership and Organizational Resilience in Times of Uncertainty Program, called hereafter the Leadership Program, aims to provide a unique space for learning, reflections and thoughtful adaptation for leaders and their organizations in response to the major disruptions (like the global pandemic) and continuous changes of the civic space at the Black Sea Region. Combining mentoring, coaching and training on adaptive leadership, organizational resilience and people’s skills, the Leadership Program guides the leaders through a set of behavioral changes and organizational practices that enable individuals, organizations and their communities to anticipate, adapt, respond and thrive in effective and strategic ways in times of crisis and changes. 

The Leadership Program takes place between May - September 2020 and it comprises three main stages which are subject to further adaptation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: 

Stage 1: Online coaching for personal development (May - July); 
Stage 2: Online and face-to-face training sessions (June - July 2020 for the online sessions; and 2-day training in September in Bucharest, Romania); 
Stage 3: Online mentoring and coaching for organizational action and adaptation (June - September). 

Eligibility criteria:  

  • Leaders (top and middle management) from CSOs active in the Black Sea Synergy countries, both non-EU (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, and Turkey) and EU (Bulgaria, Greece and Romania).
  • Strong motivation for participation in the program and for sharing knowledge in their own organizations; 
  • Proven commitment and previous engagement in regional projects and partnerships in (but not limited to) the thematic cooperation areas identified in the 2019 Black Sea NGO Forum Strategic Framework for Civil Society Cooperation;
  • Fluency in written and spoken English;
  • Commitment to attending all three stages of the Leadership and Organizational Resilience in Times of Uncertainty Program for CSOs Leaders in the Black Sea Region (May - September 2020);
  • Access to the Internet and to online communication instruments to allow for consistent communication with the Black Sea NGO Forum team and the Program’s team of consultants.

Application process: 
The application process consists of two stages: 

1.Online application form 
Interested applicants are invited to complete our online application form available at the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdEaLScWv3j2aJksfMaJ-sNxis-JBcMFQGLJVAjH8pxCY7pqQ/viewform

Please note that in order to be considered eligible, applicants have to send us at our e-mail address fond.romania@gmail.com their updated Curriculum Vitae as well as a Letter of Recommendation/ Letter of Support from partner/ superior in the organization  (required only for middle management applicants).

The deadline for submitting applications is: 15th of April 2020 (23:59 Romania time). 

Applications will be evaluated based on personal motivation, professional experience, and follow-up possibility, in the context of the Black Sea NGO Forum. 

2.Online interviews 

Candidates accepted for the second selection stage (interviews) will be announced by the 22nd of April, the latest. The interviews will take place via Skype.  

During the interview, applicants must demonstrate their motivation and commitment for participating at the Program on Leadership and Organizational Resilience in Times of Uncertainty.

For any questions related to the application process, please contact us at fond.romania@gmail.com.