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We are excited to share our experience of implementing the UPSHIFT youth program in six regions of Ukraine.

Throughout 2023 – 2024, in cooperation with UNICEF and six implementation partners, we conducted 18 waves of UPSHIFT, engaging 846 young Ukrainians who reached over 21,000 peers in their communities.

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We gathered best practices, analyzed all challenges and achievements, and developed recommendations to support future generations of UPSHIFT.

These insights will be useful for youth workers, program managers, government institutions, and international donors. The document offers a deeper understanding of how UPSHIFT contributes to the development of youth initiatives and what should be considered for the effective implementation of similar programs.

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We sincerely thank the NGO Youth Center of Volyn, NGO Mizh Inshym, NGO Science Center of Ternopil, NGO Youth Center of Chernivtsi, NGO Building Ukraine Together, NGO Youth Space, and UNICEF for their collaboration and contribution to the creation of this document!

The document is available in the Analytical Library of the Civil Society House.

The Youth Potential Development in Western Ukraine Program is implemented by ISAR Ednannia in partnership with implementation partners, with financial support from UNICEF, the Governments of Japan and the Kingdom of Norway, and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the KfW Development Bank.